Thursday, July 25, 2019

Key changes in Australia Skilled Occupation List in Australia immigration

In the recent days, Australia announced key variations in the current list of qualified jobs for Australia immigration. Along with these variations, about 36 new jobs have been summed up to the Medium and Long-Term Skill List by involving specialized footballers and tennis coaches. While an aggregate of 27 jobs were separated from the Short-Term Skill Shortage List, eighteen occupations were summed up to the Regional Occupation List.

The Department of Home Affairs declared that the Australia skilled occupations lists in Australia immigration are streamlined in a timely manner to declare that the immigration of skilled workers to Australia is adjusted with the varying labour market requirements of the country.

As per the recent Australia Skilled Occupation Lists(SOL) updates, 18 new occupations were summed up to the Regional Occupation List. Sheep, livestock, beef, aquaculture, and crop farmers are summed up recently in between the other agricultural roles.  It is estimated that these variations would be supportive for Australian farmers who are witnessing dearth and for provincial communities.

In Australia, the Regional Occupations List for Australia immigration permits the companies to distant workers to stay and work for the supporting company in an Australian region for a maximum period of 4 years. Subsequently, the sponsored employees in selected regions can also apply for permanent residency. They can yet avail the benefits in English language, income proceedings and work experience need while applying for permanent residence.

However, new variations to the Regional Occupation List will be suitable only to the fresh applications. This will not bring out any change in the current nominations or applications in the Australia Skilled Occupation Lists.

Aquaculture farmer, anesthetics, Livestock framers, dear and goat farmers, dairy cattle farmer, sugar cane grower, cotton grower, grain, fruit or nut grower, oilseed or pasture grower (Aus) or field crop grower, sheep farmers , crop farmers, beef cattle farmer, Mixed livestock farmer, pig farmer, mixed livestock and livestock farmer are 18 occupations added to Australia’s Regional Occupation List.

If you are interested in Australia Immigration and part of Australia Skilled Occupation list, then connect with Kansas Overseas Careers, the well-known Australia immigration Consultants now. These Australia immigration Consultants guide you with the up-to-date Australian Immigration processes and visa procedures to facilitate the immigration effortlessly. Also, the experienced Australia immigration Consultants conducts a primary assessment of your profile and recommends the relevant visa category. Get in touch with Australia immigration Consultants for more details.